
Vocal biomarkers, a new horizon in healthcare

By combining sound analysis with artificial intelligence, VoiceMed detects subtle signals in the sounds produced by the vocal apparatus. When associated with either a normal biological or pathogenic state, these signals are called “vocal biomarkers”.

What is a vocal biomarker?​

A vocal biomarker is a specific feature of any sound produced by the vocal apparatus (for example, speech, breathing sounds or cough) that indicates a specific underlying physiological and/or pathophysiological condition.

Our vocal biomarkers factory

Source data

The input is composed by breathing sound recording + health label (e.g. lung function). The acoustic variations are analysed and summarized to become vocal features.

Biomarker candidates

These vocal features are interpreted by a self-learning AI system. The results of the process is a new set of parameters that summarize and generalize the biological problem: vocal biomarker candidates.

Vocal biomarkers

The outputs generated from the previous steps have a clinical interpretation and are then validated against medical-grade measurements and clinical outcomes. After this step, they can be used as vocal biomarkers.

Why voice?​

Our voices subtly reflect our mood, stress levels, and overall mental well-being. Artificial intelligence algorithms, trained to discern these subtle variations, can provide insights into mental health conditions. Early detection of mood disorders, such as depression or anxiety, through vocal biomarkers, can pave the way for timely interventions and personalized treatment plans.

We can save lives, together

In the prevention space, the need of many healthcare providers and payers is to push people towards an active lifestyle, as 40% of deaths can be avoidable with good cardiorespiratory fitness and 5-7% reductions in health costs for each 1-MET higher CRF level.
That is why vocal biomarkers to measure cardiorespiratory health with instant results to the user can be a game-changer in pushing towards an active lifestyle, thus saving lives and reducing health costs.

What’s wrong with the current approaches?​

Digital peak flow meters and portable spirometers encounter several limitations. Accuracy may be affected by calibration and user technique, leading to misleading readings. Connectivity issues, like Bluetooth pairing problems, can disrupt data transmission. Reliance on battery power poses a risk of malfunction if not charged. They require of disposable mouthpieces, adding to costs and environmental impact. Distribution can be limited, especially in remote areas.

Want to know more?

Contact us to receive the white paper where you will find
more information about our technology!