A multidisciplinary approach
Our team consists of a combination of deep tech expertise in vocal biomarkers and AI engineering, along with business expertise in digital health, clinical and regulatory affairs, and technical expertise who can scale our solutions. We bring together PhD researchers and resilient entrepreneurs, supported by doctors from some of the most renowned hospitals, such as Humanitas. Our uniqueness lies in our demonstrated ability to strategize and execute effectively in this sector, backed by our comprehensive skill set.
Strong network
We’re part of both the European Respiratory Society and the global team working on research to improve how we take care of our respiratory health. We are members of the AI in healthcare society in Italy (SIIAM). We are supported by several patients associations including Federasma association in Italy.


Arianna Arienzo
Chief Executive Officer
- Msc in business adm. & Fulbright program in entrepreneurship
- 4+ years of experience as entrepreneur in digital health
- Contract professor of healthcare innovation at Cattolica University

Fulvio Cordella
Chief Technology Officer
- MSc in biomedical engineering
- 3+ years of experience as vocal biomarkers engineer
- Previous experience in Technoscience as vocal biomarkers researcher
Fulvio has a deep and unique understanding of sound, which he’s explored both artistically and scientifically. As a musician and voice actor with a degree from the dubbing academy, he delved into it from an artistic point of view. As a biomedical engineer, he discovered the scientific applications of sound in e-health. His journey began at Technoscience, where he was a vocal biomarkers researcher. Now, at VoiceMed, Fulvio develops advanced combinations of algorithms and manages the AI team to continually improve the performance of our vocal biomarkers, creating disruptive innovation in digital health.

Ayana de Brito Martins
Chief Scientific Officer
- PhD in computational biology
- 5+ in clinical and regulatory affairs
- Qualified medical device regulatory expert
- 8+ years of experience as scientist
Team members

Luca Panzarella
Product manager
A 15+ years experienced product manager, UX and product designer. He worked in the tech ecosystem in San Francisco, Rome, London and Milan. He used to run his own tech company before joining VoiceMed.

Daniele Mascali
Senior Artificial Intelligence engineer
A physicist with a PhD in biophysics. He worked 9+ years as a researcher in computer science, deep learning etc. Previous experience in the field of magnetic resonance imaging applied to the study of brain function and its pathological alterations.

Francesco Saverio Quatrano
Cybersecurity engineer
A 10+ years of experience engineer with skills in IT risk management, data protection, security governance process and regulations. Expertise in grant writing for European grants as well as national grants.

Francesca Puggioni
Head of Section Responsible for ImmunoCenter Humanitas
- Head of Section Responsible for ImmunoCenter Humanitas.
- Adjutant Teaching Professor in Respiratory Diseases at the Department of Internal Medicine and Therapeutic, Humanitas University Milan.

Giovanni Paoletti
Allergist and Clinical Immunologist
- Internal Medicine Researcher at Humanitas University
- Regional President of SIAAIC Lombardy Section
- Member of the Methodology Committee EAACI

Enrico Heffler
Director of the Postgraduate Residency Program for Allergology and Immunology
- Allergist and Clinical Immunologist, Assistant at Personalized Medicine, Asthma and Allergy Unit, Humanitas Research Hospital
- Author of more than 200 scientific articles published in international peer-reviewed scientific journals.
Grants & awards

In 2020, Arianna and Ayana met at an event focused on healthcare innovation, igniting a shared vision for transforming health access.
As the daughter of two pulmonologists, Arianna has always been aware of the challenges in delivering care and is driven to make it more accessible. When the COVID pandemic began, Ayana recognized that the time to act for a healthier future was now and decided to leverage her skills to improve healthcare. Inspired by their vision of a world where everyone everywhere is empowered to better manage their health, Fulvio, who was already working on vocal biomarkers, added this innovative technology as a mean to reach the vision. Together, they created VoiceMed towards a future where healthcare is assessible everywhere and from anyone in a proactive and convenient way.
“When I was a kid, I used to listen to my parents talk to their patients on the phone, and I wondered how they could monitor their health through a call.” Arianna